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      While spring cleaning is encouraged at the end of winter as we head into warmer months, there’s no reason you can’t ‘spring clean’ your home any time you have some spare time on your hands. You also don’t need to do it all at once either – you could pick one activity each day or even each weekend and before you know it the house will be sparkling.

      No matter the size of your home, a big clean can sometimes seem an incredible feat – but it doesn’t need to be, so we’ve put together a list of ten tips to help you get motivated and make it a stress free.

      Pantry & Fridge
      Admit it, you’ve been putting this one off for a little too long. It’s never a pretty job, but it’s one we should undertake more often. Use this opportunity to check the best before or use by dates of all the products in your kitchen; throw out anything that hasn’t been used in months and open jars to ensure no nasties are growing on top. While you’re at it, open all the packets in the pantry and look for little creepy crawlies. If you’ve got spare air-tight containers, move the contents of open packets into them.
      Before you put it all back in, spend 20 minutes to wipe all the surfaces down and disinfect the fridge – you’ll thank yourself later.

      Kitchen Appliances
      How often do you use your oven? Now think about how regularly you clean it… it’ll be a dirty job to scrub all the food splatters off, but one well worth it when you see the sparkle appear. There are a range of chemical free options for cleaning ovens too, so have a read of these and see which one you prefer. If you’ve got a dishwasher, it’s important to clean these too – you can either buy a cleaner at the supermarket or simply use a container of vinegar and run it through on the hottest cycle, followed by a sprinkle of bicarb soda and a short cycle after.

      Windows & Screens
      After a wet and windy winter, your windows will almost certainly be covered in a layer of dirt. Wipe away the grime and let the light in! Be sure to take off the screens on your windows and doors, if you can, and give them a good shake outdoors. Better still, buy yourself a high pressure water cleaner. Start the process and wait for your partner to take over; then you’ll have your house, roof, gutters, driveway and back garden cleaned within an inch of its life in one weekend.

      Vents & Ceiling Fans
      These are so easily forgotten, but so important for keeping clean air flowing through your home. Wipe them down, or take them outside to shake any dust off or put your vacuum cleaner to good use… You’ll be surprised at how much dust is sitting on them.

      Carpets & Rugs
      Also known as dust collectors, it’s so important that you get your carpets and rugs cleaned regularly. These days, you can purchase some great products that you can do yourself but it can be worth investing in a professional clean if you can. The change will happily surprise you, and your home will instantly feel fresher.

      A taboo topic if there ever was one: how often should you wash your bedding? According to a microbiologist, it should actually be once a week, especially if you suffer from allergies or hayfever. So, as soon as that sun starts shining throw everything in the washing machine and hang it outside to dry (then repeat weekly). If you can, include your pillows, quilt and mattress protector in – or at least air them outdoors for a few hours – to clear away as much bacteria as possible. Hot tip: don’t try and do it in one load as the weight of your quilt and mattress protector can test your washer.

      Is your wardrobe bulging at the seams? Spend a day going through it all and pulling out what you don’t wear anymore. Start a rubbish and charity bag, ensuring what you give to charity is in an acceptable condition (no holes, stains or broken zips). If you’re having trouble working out what to throw away, check out these questions to ask yourself when decluttering. Use this time to update those hanging moth balls, too… nothing like finding a peaky hole in your winter jacket next time you go to use it.

      Did you know toiletries and makeup items have expiration dates? If you’ve been holding onto that lipstick for a few years, it might be time to throw it out. Clean out your drawers and bathroom cupboards (again, wiping everything down before putting it back in), and be amazed by the storage space you suddenly have. While you’re in there, be sure to give the toilet a clean; scrub the grime off tiles on the wall, in the shower and bath; wipe down chrome fixtures with rubbing alcohol or vinegar; and then clean the floors last. If you’ve got children, it might be time to invest in some new bath time toys too (rubber duckies don’t last forever).

      Don’t be fooled by how organised your shelves are, dust is hiding. Pull everything down and wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth before you place it all back. If you’ve been thinking about it for a while, this is the perfect chance to re-style too!

      Open windows & doors
      Finally, air out the house. All the moving and cleaning will have unsettled all kinds of dust and dirt, so let it move out by keeping the doors and windows open for a couple of hours when possible.

      Make a list and do this one step at a time – you don’t need to tackle it all in one day. Just know that each room you complete, puts you one step closer to a beautifully clean home. But if cleaning isn’t your thing and you’d like to hire the professionals to do it, a simple google search will put you in touch with a range of cleaners in the Mount Barker and Hills region.


      If your spring clean has inspired a move, visit us at the Newenham at 164 Flaxley Road, Mount Barker to find out how beneficial a tree-change can really be.

      Visit our Sales and Information Centre at 164 Flaxley Road, Mount Barker – check the website for open hours.

      We look forward to welcoming you soon so you can see for yourself why you’ll love living at Newenham.


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